Wow, another year gone by… when did time start flying so quickly? Oh, probably when I became a mummy! This year has been all about Little M growing from baby to fully fledged toddler – and all of us loving every minute of it (well, most of the time, let’s forget the odd toddler flare up for today!)
In 2014 Little M has gone from crawling, to walking, to running – wow, that by itself is a lot for one year! Plus he has developed a vocabulary that has grown from “mama” and “dada” to naming every construction vehicle you can think of – as well as lots of other very useful words too! As parents I think we have done a good job – Little M is healthy and happy, what more could we want?
This new year, instead of getting caught up on resolutions and plans of things I want to change, I’m just going to soak up this moment of reflection on all the great things that have happened this year, whilst looking forward to another fun year with our little man – I hope you will do the same. Why not ditch the resolutions and focus on all the good things you have achieved this year? – both as parents and as individuals. (Hint: if your child smiles a lot, you have already achieved a lot!)
Couldn’t resist finishing with a few shots from today – a day at the beach with the two men in my life, a perfect way to end 2014. Happy new year one and all! Here’s to a fantastic 2015!
What moments have you enjoyed with your little one this year? Or anything you are looking forward to in 2015? Please do share!

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