Today was one of those days that you dread a little bit, because you know that you are going to be rushing about and that it may be stressful with a little one in tow. We had a music class planned and then a flu shot for Little M, which doesn’t sound like much – except both were across the city, in different places and involved a minimum of two bus journeys, plus a lot of walking in order to get where we needed to be. To add to that, the flu shot appointment was bang on nap time (the only one they had left, typical!!) which meant Little M either getting overtired, or falling asleep only to be rudely awoken by a flu shot!
Although I knew he’d enjoy his music class and the bus rides, I couldn’t help worrying about everything going smoothly – managing with the stroller on the bus, Little M sitting still on the bus and walking nicely on the sidewalk, getting to the appointment on time… you get the picture. (He’s nearly 2 and sometimes we have our moments!) It was one of those days where you feel like you’ve already exhausted yourself planning the day with military precision, before you’ve even left the house! (Or is it just me who has those days?!)
Yet it’s funny, because now I’m sat here typing, with a cup of tea in hand, thinking about what a wonderful day we’ve had and how my little boy always surprises me, in the best of ways.
Little M sat beautifully on the bus, looking around at all of the people with great interest. After a fun music class, he walked carefully along the sidewalk, stopping occasionally to examine a stone, or a leaf, but always stopping before a road and holding out a hand out for me. He climbed into his stroller for a picnic lunch, without a fuss. At the doctors, where I had thought his patience would be tested, (because mine definitely was) he sat patiently watching the fish in the tank. For thirty minutes, he watched the fish, pointing out all the different colours and the bubbles. The shot was over in a flash and he sat good as gold in his stroller on the way to the bus stop. On the bus ride home he sat wide eyed, pointing out all of the things he could see out of the window, every now and again smiling up at me.
As we walked the fifteen minute walk back from the bus stop, I couldn’t help looking at my little one and thinking… sometimes they surprise you. In fact they always surprise you. And always when you least expect it. It’s a little early for Thanksgiving, but today was such a lovely reminder for me to be thankful everyday for the little person in my life – and for all of the ways in which he continues to surprise me, in the best of ways.
Have a great weekend everyone.
How has your little one surprised you recently?

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