Little Moments is where I reflect on all of the little things that have made me happy, thankful or inspired that week. I hope that I will also inspire you to do the same…
Phew, I know I’m always saying it, but it’s been a busy couple of weeks! I didn’t post any Little Moments last week as it was just too hectic, so now I’m catching up!
Well anyone who follows me on Instagram or Facebook might have noticed that I hinted to some big changes ahead for our family. Well… after 6 wonderful years in San Francisco we are moving back to our little island of Britain. It’s official! Our one way flights are booked for September and I’ve never felt such a mixture of feelings!
I’m so excited to be moving back near our families and reconnect with long lost friends! There are lots of reasons for moving – which I won’t go into now – but family is a big one. Yet as with all change there is also sadness – we will be leaving our life and friends here and leaving the place where both our children were born. It’s a bit of a strange feeling. I know it’s going to be a big change and transition for all of us – but we are very excited and positive about the opportunities and adventures we have ahead of us.
I’ll be writing more blog posts about our move in the future, so I won’t waffle on now. But I just had to get that one off my chest – as it’s a biggie. More like a Big Moment really – ha ha!
We’ve had lots of other bits going on and no matter what, it really is the little things that I treasure every week. How about you?
So here are my Little Moments for the last couple of weeks…
Fourth of July weekend
We had a lovely long Fourth of July weekend. We spent a relaxing morning as a family in the Botanical Gardens – one of my favourite places for some tranqillity. Well you know, as much tranquillity as you can get with a 1 and 4 year old in tow!
The Hubster’s birthday
We celebrated The Hubster’s birthday last weekend. Little M planned and made a ‘surprise cake’ for him. He very carefully placed lots of candies inside the cake!
There’s so much to do before we move, but I have at least started to have a declutter and a clear out. I think moving is always a good excuse to get rid of the non essentials – don’t you? Any further moving tips most welcomed!
LP and Little M cuddles
They certainly have their moments – but I caught LP and Little M cuddling up to each other this week! They’ve both been a bit coldy and were sat watching ‘In the Night Garden’ – so sweet!
LP’s face painting
We went to a little birthday party last weekend and LP had a little flower painted on her face! I just can’t believe how quickly this girl has changed from baby to toddler. She is also going through this very cute phase of copying me any time I start doing any cleaning – such a helpful girl!
Fairy Doors
This week we’ve been on the hunt for fairy doors in Golden Gate Park. A little bird told me to look for them and so we’ve had a couple of adventures tracking them down. I can’t believe I’ve lived in San Francisco all this time and never seen them. Little M was very excited – I think we might have to pay them another visit before we leave!
We have a quiet weekend planned. The Hubster is away for almost two weeks. I’ve been holding the fort since Tuesday and we are doing ok! I have found the key is keeping everything simple, so I think an outing to the park each day will be more than enough this weekend!
How has your week been? What are you up to this weekend?

That is exciting news! It wasn’t quite the same in terms of distance but I lived in Scotland for 13 before moving back to the north west to be near to family. Although we knew it was the right decision there were still mixed emotions about leaving so many friends and the place the boys were born. I hope all goes well with the move for you x
Aw thanks Sarah – it’s good to hear from others who have done a similar move. Maybe not so far in terms of distance, but as you say it is always mixed emotions leaving the place you started your family. We are excited and know this is the right move for us right now. Thank you! x
Ooh exciting times! Definitely a good time to declutter, you don’t want to be paying to ship all the stuff you’ll never use again. We still have unopened boxes in the loft from our last move and that was 12 years ago! It’s so sweet when you find the kids cuddled up like that isn’t it? My two have been very cuddly this week as well and it melts me every time x
What exciting news. I hope the move goes smoothly #happydayslinky