Little Moments is where I reflect on all of the little things that have made me happy, thankful or inspired that week. I hope that I will also inspire you to do the same…
A bit of a catch up this week, as I haven’t posted my Little Moments for a few weeks.
A Little Moments Update
I love to think about and reflect on the happy little things that have happened to me each week. I try to jot them down every week, a day at a time if I can. The whole process helps me to appreciate the positive little things that happen every day, even on those difficult days. It helps me to think positively and to live in the moment as much as I can. I hope I can encourage my kids to do the same.
I do try to share my list on the blog every week. However I don’t always manage it, as it does take time to edit photos and upload them – along with all the other blogging and life things that are going on!
So for now at least, I will be sharing a round up of my Little Moments at the end of every month instead. I’m hoping this will make blogging a little more manageable, especially over the summer. But I do hope you like having a little glimpse into my life and feel inspired to start a Little Moments journal of your own! (affiliate link).
Why not give it a try? It’s never too late to start appreciating life’s little moments.
Without further ado, here is my round up of Little Moments for the last few weeks…
LP’s Baby
LP is so adorable with her ‘baby’ at the moment. Baby has to go everywhere with her! It’s lovely to see her imaginative play developing. She’s so sweet and caring to her baby. She even goes on the slide and the swing with her!
Outside Play
We are loving all the outside play we are doing at the moment. Summer is by far my favourite season. And having a garden for the first time is amazing! The other day Little M played for ages in the sand with the Plesiosaur Rock Craft we made. He kept burying the rocks in the sand, then searching for them with his ‘archeologist’s brush’!
Cuddles on the sofa
Little M has been so tired after school lately, so we’ve started a new ‘cuddle on the sofa’ routine after school. It sounds so simple doesn’t it? But I find it so easy to get caught up in making dinner, looking after LP etc that sometimes those simple things can slip past. So we’ve been making cuddles on the sofa after school a new routine – and I’m loving my snuggles with my boy! Do you have an after school routine, or plan ‘special time’ with your little ones? I’d love to know how you organise things!
Paddling together
We had a trip to the beach last weekend. I was so happy to discover our closest beach is actually only an hour away – closer than I thought! LP just wanted to paddle for ages – such a sweet moment standing in the water with her. Here she is striding out again with her daddy…
Father’s Day
I had the first Father’s Day I can remember where I was with both the daddies in my life! We went for a family picnic in the morning, then my parents arrived for a meal together. After living away in San Francisco for so long, I love the chance to spend time with my parents all the more.
A Photo Feature
I was over the moon to have another photo featured on top parenting blog What The Redhead Said. It’s little moments like this that inspire me to continue with my blog and to improve my photography further.
July is going to be a busy month! We have The Hubster’s birthday coming up, a trip away (possibly camping!) a family party, The Hubster is off the states, then there’s sports day, a class assembly and last day of school! Plus we’re going to give potty training a go! Phew!
Do come on over and follow our adventures on Instagram and Facebook, we’d love to meet you!
What little moments have you been having lately? Do you have any plans for July?
Linking up with Donna and her Living Arrows project.

Appreciating the little moments is a great idea. I love getting outdoors too. Beautiful photos #livingarrows
Thank you. Yes, getting outdoors is so good for the soul isn’t it? Plus it inspires children no end! Thanks for stopping by. x
It looks like you have had so many happy moments recently and I know what you mean about the time it takes to put these posts together – sometimes everything else just gets in the way and there’s not a moment spare x
I really enjoyed reading such positivity. A really good idea to write these happy moments down. Great summer to have a garden ??