Q: When is a stick not a stick?
A: When it’s a magic wand of course!
One of the incredible things about encouraging children to play in nature, is that it really brings their imaginations to life. Tree branches and over turned logs can become places to play and hide out. Sticks and leaves transform into imaginary play things. A humble stick found on the ground can transform into a magic wand, a sword or a spoon to stir mud pies! Leaves and stones become nature’s treasures. The opportunities for creative play in nature are endless!
Here I’m going to show you how to inspire your children to make a magic wand with a stick.
Now I do believe role play alone is enough to bring a stick to life! But sometimes you might like to take it up a notch and add in some art and crafts to children’s nature play. This invitation to make a magic wand with a stick allows children to explore their creativity, whilst also providing a fantastic opportunity for imaginative play. Making a magic wand with a stick can be as simple or complex as you like. This activity is best suited for children around 5-9 years old, as it is a little fiddly – although can be adapted for most age groups.
This is a perfect craft to set up after a play in the garden or the forest. Abracadabra!!
Make a Magic Wand With a Stick
You will need:
A stick
Thin coloured wire
Scraps of fabric
Glue – either pva or super glue (to be used by an adult)
How to make a magic wand:
Encourage children to find a nice sturdy stick in the garden or in the forest.
Cut a strip of fabric. Tie onto one end of the stick. Wind carefully around the stick. Carefully tie the fabric to secure it.
Cut a length of wire. Wind tightly around one end of the stick to secure. Wind carefully round the stick.
Cut some small strips of fabric or felt and tie onto the end of the stick with string.
For some extra sparkle add some sequins or sparkly beads. If you ‘d like children to do this independently, then pva works fine – so long as you allow time to dry. Alternatively you can glue the sequins with super glue. This is quick and effective – but remember to only allow adults near super glue!
Ta da! Your wand is ready to make magic!
Do your children like to play with sticks? Come and share your magic wand creations over on our facebook page.
You might also like to read about 12 Reasons to Love Forest School.
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