Every now and again I like to blog about my Moments of Gratitude. This is a weekly list I make, where I reflect on all of the things that have made me feel thankful, happy or inspired that week.
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged my gratitude list, but I’ve been feeling especially inspired this week and determined to get back into the blogging groove!
So here are my Moments of Gratitude for this week:
• Little M has been so into his preschool classes this week, I’m so proud of him. He only started going in June and has taken it all in his stride. I honestly never thought the day would come where he would be happy to be left without me!
• I’ve been completely inspired in my blogging journey this week by the amazing You Baby Me Mummy and her Free 5 Day Productivity Challenge. I’ve always felt in a struggle against time with my blogging, but I’m already feeling motivated to just get on and utilise the time that I DO have.
• LP and I went to our first music class together yesterday at the fab Music Together in San Francisco. It was so nice to spend time together just the two of us, as it doesn’t happen very often! I really treasure these moments when they happen.
• Little M has mastered the parallel bars at the playground. He has been itching to do it for ages and now he’s done it once there’s no stopping him!
• We’ve really been enjoying the Hulu series Casual this week. It’s the perfect mix of drama and comedy – great for a bit of relaxation time in the evening.
• I’ve made a bit of progress in knitting a sweater for LP. My lovely and patient friend is teaching me how to knit. It’s very slow progress, as I’m very slow and have little time to do it, but finally feel as though I sort of know what I’m doing!
• I had a little bit of exciting blog news! But… I’m going to wait until it’s all set and tell you next week – da, da, da……!
• I’ve nearly reached my current goal of 1000 followers on twitter! If you are not following me yet – head on over there now!
After a busy week, we are looking forward to a fairly relaxed weekend of pottering about, doing a few jobs and a family outing or two.
What about you? How was your week? What moments have you been grateful for this week?
I’m linking this post up with Katy and Sian and their #HappyDaysLinky.

What a fab busy week! I love knitting but haven’t picked up the needles in at least 2 years. Must get round to making something again soon! Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x
Ooh I am going to have to go take a look at this week’s list to see the blog news!! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky xx