Have your kids ever played with kinetic sand? We LOVE it!
5 Reasons to Play with Kinetic Sand
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I’d never even heard of kinetic sand, until I came across it at a local museum. Kinetic sand is regular sand that is polymer coated, so it sticks together and holds it’s shape.
It’s a bit like wet sand – but it’s dry! You can pull it, shape it, squeeze it, mould it, pour it – and because it sticks to itself it’s not messy! You can use it over and over again – amazing!
In case you need some more convincing – here are 5 Reasons to play with Kinetic Sand…
1. It’s so much fun!
There’s so many things you can do with it! Shape it, mould it it, pour it like a liquid, hide treasures in it.
Little M loves making sand castles and hiding ‘surprises’ underneath them. We take it in turns to find them – often using mini diggers! Kinetic sand is a favourite indoor activity in our home – it’s so much fun!
2. Sparks creativity
Possibilities with kinetic sand are endless and it really stimulates kid’s creativity. I’d never have thought of half of the ideas that Little M has come up with – today he made a ‘chocolate cake’! I love that you can play with it like regular sand, but also mould it like play dough. Your children will come up with their own ideas too – you’ll be amazed!
3. It’s not (too) messy!
Kinetic sand is perfect if you want to encourage ‘messy activities’ but don’t really like the actual mess! Ha!
Since the sand sticks together, kinetic sand doesn’t scatter about like normal sand. It also doesn’t stick to clothing like playdough! Of course if your child drops it all over the floor, then it’s going to need picking up off the floor…! However it’s much easier to manage than normal sand and really easy to keep the playing area clean. The sand sticks together, stays clean and doesn’t spread.
My tips? I recommend playing with the sand in a small box on a table, in an area with a hard or covered floor. Any dropped sand can be swept or picked up really easily.
I also recommend the Beach Kinetic Sand over the regular kinetic sand for less mess. Both are amazing, but the beach sand is coarser and in my experience even less messy than the regular type.
4. Doesn’t take up much space
Living in a small space? Or just don’t have space for a big sand box? Fear not! Kinetic sand is designed to be used in a small table top sand box. It doesn’t take up much space and you don’t need too much of it. It’s the perfect indoor activity – small, yet fun!
We love these little sand boxes. They are the perfect size, come with different accessories to play with and are inexpensive. Simply ditch the regular sand that comes in the set and replace with kinetic sand!
5. Lasts forever (almost!)
Kinetic sand doesn’t dry out like play dough and doesn’t need to be covered. We store ours in the sand box and just slide it under our kitchen island until play time. Look after your kinetic sand and will last a really long time!
Have you used kinetic sand? What else do you love about it? Are you feeling inspired to try out kinetic sand for the first time? Do ask if you have any questions and I’ll do my best to answer!
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Great blog! You really described how amazing it is to play with kinetic sand! The benefits, pros and cons, you name it – it is here. Children will only be kids once, might as well let them enjoy it right? We got sands that will make kids and adults go crazy! Check out our store here! bit.ly/CoolSand
Thank you for your great post! I love kinetic sand, even I’m adult and have no kids.. 😀 It’s really relaxing.
I love kinetic sand too! It’s very therapeutic to play with. My kids like mixing the colours so ours is a bit of a murky colour, but still fun!
We love Kinetic Sand as well!!! We just blogged about it too. Such fun stuff and so relaxing for adults too.
Just tried it with my 2-year-old twins… They had a blast, but it did make a huge mess and totally stuck to their hands, arms, face, and clothes. Had to put them both in the hose. At $20 per bag, I’m not seeing the benefit.