These easy washi tape hearts are so quick and easy to make – ideal for younger crafters. These washi tape hearts are perfect to create little valentine notes, or as thank you cards.
The effect of the torn washi tape looks really cool! Children of all ages will enjoy experimenting with different colours and patterns. See what different effects you can create with the washi tapes!
You only need a few things to make these washi tape hearts, they really are so simple!
Easy Washi Tape Hearts
You’ll need:
Card – you can use recycled card such as an old cereal box if you like
Washi Tape – assorted colours and patterns
Black Pen – to draw a face
Goggly eyes – optional
Draw a heart on your piece of card, large or small, any size you like. Cut out. This is a great opportunity for little ones to practice their fine motor skills.
Leave out a selection of washi tapes and show children how to tear a piece off and create a collage. Let children get creative and add any combination of colours and patterns they like!
If you would like to you can add a face with a black pen or some goggly eyes!
Write a note on the back of your heart and give it to someone special!
I hope you like this simple idea. I think these washi tape hearts make sweet little notes for children to give on Valentines Day! Let me know what else you might use them for?
If you like these you might also like these Miniature Fairy Envelopes that kids can make for Valentines or for creative play. If you’re looking for more easy Valentine ideas you might also like to try these Heart Stencil Cards or these Animal Toilet Roll Valentine Crafts.
Do let me know if you give any of these a try!

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