Little Moments is where I reflect on all of the little things that have made me happy, thankful or inspired that week. I hope that I will also inspire you to do the same…
What with half term, sick children and trips away, I’ve not written my little moments for a couple of weeks. So I’m looking forward to this one as I have lots to catch up on! A bit of a longer list than usual – so indulge me as I look back on my little moments for the last couple of weeks…
Little M and his Legos
For as long as I can remember now Little M has been into legos – I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before! First it was Duplos, now he’s older it’s ‘big boy legos’ with constructions that get more and more complicated! What I love about watching Little M with his legos, is he doesn’t stick to the instructions! He might start by making a set, but then the pieces will quickly morph into a quirky ice-cream van, or a candy factory. He loves to use his imagination with legos – which is wonderful to see. Plus, I feel less bad about not keeping all the sets separate! 😉 Everywhere you look in our house, on the window sills, in the bathroom, there’s a little lego model on display. I love it and never want to forget it.
Fossil Hunting
We went on a trip to Dorset over the half term holiday – to visit my parents and back to my roots! The main aim of the visit was to look for fossils. Little M has been obsessed with dinosaurs lately, so we thought a fossil hunting trip was in order. Sadly we didn’t find a t-rex tooth, but we did find a couple of ammonite fossils – which was very exciting! Little M was an absolute trooper, as half way to the beach we realised he had a tummy bug 😐 But (after a little waver!) he carried on as any true archeologist would! (We did then go home and let him have a rest!)
LP turning 2
We celebrated LP’s second birthday over the holidays. I still can’t believe she is two and have probably turned into a walking cliche! We celebrated with a sea themed party for her, since we were down by the coast. Luckily my star of a mum made a fantastic cake and ocean themed cookies! Safe to say she had fun – and in true LP style wore a random hat to her party!
Dippy the Dinosaur
A bit of a dinosaur theme going on… While we were in Dorset we took a trip to see Dippy the diplodocus.He’s the diplodocus skeleton from the National History Museum in London and is currently on tour around the country. Do take a look and see if he might be coming near you if you’re outside London. The kids enjoyed getting up close with Dippy and making some fun dino hats. I haven’t taken the kids to many museums, since we left San Francisco, but am inspired to go to more now – they love it!
The Greatest Showman
The Hubster and I went out together for the first time since I can remember – so I was desperate to go and see The Greatest Showman. Oh my goodness, it was AMAZING. If you like movies that inspire you, that lift you up, that have an inspiring message, or just like musicals – then you will LOVE this film. Go see it! You will not regret it. I am totally obsessed with it and feel the urge to go see it again. Anyone?! I also just bought the soundtrack (affiliate link) and am uplifted every time I listen to it!
The things LP says
I have to write these things down – otherwise I’m worried I’ll forget which makes me sad. LP’s talking has really taken off lately – and I want to remember some of the funny things she says. Yoghurt is ‘Yurt’, Porridge is ‘Podge’ and the Twirlywoos (her new favourite tv programme) are ‘Poos’! I’m making a pledge to film her more which I’m not very good at doing. Because the TIME. GOES. SO. FAST. So make the most of it lovely people. I know it’s a cliche, but you’ve really got to get out there and make the most of every moment, however you can.
A school trip
Yesterday I went on my very first school trip as a parent helper! We went on a visit to a local farm and it was so fun! Little M loved having me around and at the end of the day didn’t stop saying what a nice day we had together. I kept saying it too! It’s reminded me I need to make more effort to have one on one dates with my boy. We used to do it so much in San Francisco – when we just needed to get out of the small apartment, it was a good excuse. But just spending quality time is enough excuse. Life gets busy and messy. But I always appreciate the times I just slow down and focus on the people in my life.
This weekend we’ll be pottering about mostly, plus hopefully a little local outing. We’re planning to go and hide some of our painted pebbles, for others to find. Check out our Mud & Bloom Nature Box Review for more. We also want to get Little M out on his bike. Fingers crossed for a sunny day!
Have you had a good week?
What have your little moments been?
Linking up with Donna and her Living Arrows.

I would love to see Dippy on his travels – the children loved seeing him in London! I cannot believe your LP is two – she was a baby just minutes ago. I hope she had a wonderful time x
Happy birthday! I hope she had a fabulous time. My children love lego too and play with it most days.