Little Moments is where I reflect on all of the little things that have made me happy, thankful or inspired that week. I hope that I will also inspire you to do the same…
Another week gone! I’m having to really think back this week, to remember what has happened! We’ve spent a lot of time with friends at the playground this week, as some of the schools are off on Spring Break. The weather has been gorgeous, so it’s been nice to just be in the sunshine.
Here are my little moments for this week…
Goes without saying! My mood is always better when the sun is out and we’ve had lots of lovely days this week. Long may they continue!
Spring cleaning
A cliche, but a bit of a spring clean always makes me feel more positive! The apartment is not exactly spotless (who am I kidding, we have two kids!) But we have made a good start on decluttering and I’ve had a major vacuum – behind furniture and in all the corners that usually get left! I’m feeling inspired to get the rest of the apartment clean and clear more stuff out. Once you start it’s a bit addictive!
We’ve hung out with our friends at the playground lots – it’s been so nice to see Little M playing so well with his buddy. Since turning 4 he’s really settled down in himself and plays really well with other kids now. LP enjoyed watching the boys running about. She also spent some time practicing her steps – between the tree stumps!
LP’s 3rd tooth!
LP’s been a bit cranky on and off during the week. As she’s such a happy bunny normally, I just thought she was getting tired. Then today I noticed she has another little tooth coming through! That’s number three!
Tea and cake
I had my friends around for our usual Friday knit – LP always takes a nap in the afternoon and we set Little M up with a crafty project while we knit. My friend brought delicious cupcakes, which literally made my afternoon! Moments before LP had been having a meltdown due to over tiredness, a tooth coming in and being whacked by her brother (fair enough really!) But then suddenly all was calm, she was asleep and the afternoon was all about knitting and chatting with tea and cake! Ah, the roller coaster of parenthood!
We are looking forward to a fairly chilled weekend, just pottering about doing jobs and playing in the park. Then on Sunday I’m going to get my hair done – yay, looking forward to it a little too much!!
What little moments have you been grateful for this week? What are you up to at the weekend?

Oh I love the sound of your Friday! What a lovely tradition to have with your friends x
Friday knitting sounds fabulous!
We have a new tooth here but it’s our first wobbly one for our oldest. They grow up so fast x