Little Moments is where I reflect on all of the little things that have made me happy, thankful or inspired lately. I hope that I will also inspire you to do the same…
Well, I’ve really dropped the ball on sharing my Little Moments lately! Although that’s mainly because I’ve been off enjoying lots of little moments with my family, which is good! But then I’ve been too busy to write about them! (Plus there’s been a few moments of survival parenting too, let’s face it, we’ve all been there!)
But I couldn’t let the summer completely disappear from sight without having a look back at some of our highlights. Plus – September – I mean, where did that go?!
The kids have grown so much in the last couple of months and we’ve been so busy playing and adventuring. It’s a year since we arrived in our new home in Cambridge, UK and it seems like a good time to sit and reflect for a while.
So thank you in advance for indulging me! I do sometimes wonder if sharing these moments is more for me than for my readers! But I do hope you enjoy finding out a little bit more about me and my family and that I inspire you to start a little moments list of your own. Whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, or just whenever you fancy – writing a little happy list really does give you an appreciation for the simple joys in life.
Here are the highlights of my little moments from the last couple of months:
Tractor Rides
When I think back to the summer, one of my sweetest memories is all the tractor rides I went on with the kids. I say ALL because there were many! 😉 We took advantage of season tickets to our local maize maze. I want to always remember how excited Little M was to go on his first tractor ride! LP also enjoyed giving ‘baby’ rides on the mini tractors…
Crafting Together
Little M and I spent many afternoons sitting and crafting, or building together. He was particularly excited when I suggested making some Octonauts faces! Most of the time he’s so happy just doing his own projects at home – but I love the excuse to spend some quality time together (and avoid the laundry pile for a bit longer…)
LP’s chattering
LP is now a fully fledged chatterer! She’s gone from baby to full on toddler in the year we’ve been here – and gone from barely saying a word to non stop chattering! I love over hearing her on the phone talking to her friends She also might have told me off the other day for being a “bossy boots” – eek!
First Camping Trip!
We went on our first camping trip and… we loved it! I was so worried about the kids not sleeping – now I know I listened to too many camping tales of woe!
In the end, the kids slept really well. I think they were so exhausted from all the fresh air! Of course we had a few niggles and upsets, but we would have had those if we’d been at home. We loved being by the beach, having lots of outdoor time and getting away from modern life. It was so lovely to just spend time as a family, with no distractions, plus the kids loved the novelty of sleeping in the tent! If you are in doubt – just do it. You’ll never know until you try! We’re already planning our next camping trip now!
Paddling in Dorset
I’m from Dorset, in the south of the UK, so we go back and visit often. We were blessed with some gorgeous sunny weather this summer. The kids LOVED spending time paddling and scooping the water with their buckets to try and catch little fish. It’s little moments like this that remind you how children are so easily pleased with the simpler things in life. And they remind us to appreciate the simple things too.
Rock pooling
We had a fantastic week with The Hubster’s family staying at a house in Wales. One of the memories I’ll treasure most was watching the kids rock pooling on the beach – Little M got so excited when he found a crab! The weather was a little chilly (!) but it was bliss to just see the kids doing what kids do best – playing and exploring. A trip to the beach always blows away any anxieties I have, especially when it’s so windswept and wild.
Boat Trips
Another highlight of our trip to Wales was our boat trips. LP and I opted for a ‘Seal Safari’ with Grandpa, while Little M went fishing for the first time! First fishing trip and he caught five mackerel! I think this might be my picture of the summer 😉
LP potty trained herself!
This caption says it all really. LP literally just potty trained herself – I can not claim any credit whatsoever, apart from buying the potty! Which just goes to show kids are ready when they are ready. If you have a potty trainer, give yourself a break and don’t stress about it. I stressed and worried so much the first time – which I’m sure didn’t help! Honestly, I think they just do it when they are ready. All you can be is a good support!
That’s it for this round up. I’m sure there’s so much more that I’ve missed, but I’ll be here all day otherwise! I’m going to try and start sharing my little moments once a month again – I do enjoy doing it and hope you enjoy a little glimpse into my life too.
We’re looking forward to the half term break soon here in the UK. It’ll be lovely to spend more time together, after The Hubster has been away travelling for much of September. We have Halloween crafting, Halloween parties and pumpkin picking to look forward to, amongst other things!
Have you had any little moments lately? What are you looking forward to for the rest of the month?
Do come on over to Facebook or Instagram and say hi – I’d love to keep in touch!
Linking up with Donna and her Living Arrows project.

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