Moments of Gratitude is where I reflect on all of the things that have made me happy, thankful or inspired that week. I hope that I will also inspire you to do the same…
Another week gone! It’s been an ordinary week, but full of lots of lovely little moments. So without further ado…
These are the things I’ve been grateful for this week:
• I loved hearing Little M talk about the fun he had with his Daddy last weekend. I adore this photo that I captured of the two of them.
• I caught up with my sister on Monday on Skype. I miss her so much it makes me teary if I think about it too much. I haven’t seen her in 2 years and in that time we have both had babies. I literally can not wait to see her again, although I am not sure when it will be. In the mean time I love that when we chat on Skype it feels as though I saw her just yesterday. It’s not the same, but it makes things better for now.
• I received some lovely comments on my post 5 Ways Blogging Makes me a Better Mum and was also a featured post on the amazing You Baby Me Mummy. It’s aways a great boost to have a little bit of recognition – and appropriate that it was for a post about how much I love blogging!
• She’s done it… LP has now pulled herself to standing!!! We’d better watch out now! Luckily we’ve already lowered her crib down to the lowest level, otherwise I think I’d be worrying. It’s amazing how babies constantly challenge your baby proofing abilities isn’t it?! LP turns 8 months this weekend and we are so proud of our little lady.
• We saw some new friends at the playground this week and had fun hanging out together. They are expats too and are moving to the UK soon and we are going to miss seeing them. Having fun with them this week reminded me that we have to live each moment to the full. Expat life often reminds me of this.
• Hearing Little M lying in bed chatting to his animals about all the things he had been doing lately. Made my heart melt! Makes me feel that we are doing something right and I love that he is able to relax in bed before he goes to sleep.
• Little M finally wore his rain coat and rain trousers this week! Now this might not sound like a big deal, but it doesn’t rain very often here in California and let’s just say Little M is a bit fussy about wearing new clothing! When I picked him up from preschool he was all smiles having been stomping in puddles and making mud pies, whilst wearing his rain gear!
• The Hubster arrived home from work on Friday and announced that he is taking Monday off for my birthday! So we’re looking forward to a long weekend and a fun family day on Monday 🙂
What moments have you been grateful for this week? What are you looking forward to?
I’m linking this post up with Katy and Sian and their #HappyDaysLinky.

Really looking forward to going to watch our local football team this weekend with my boys:) Grateful to get through the week and be sat around the table doing homework, reading blogs and generally enjoying the family.
Mainy x
Oh I cannot imagine how hard it is not seeing her for so long. Thank goodness for Skype though!! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky xx