Here are 5 simple games to play whilst waiting somewhere…
Before I had kids I used to find waiting somewhere a bit of an annoyance.
Waiting in line, waiting for the bus, waiting in a traffic jam… Ugh, who has time to wait?! Now I have kids that has changed. I have learned to slow down and appreciate each moment as much as I can – even when I am waiting somewhere!
Waiting has turned from a time of annoyance to a time to have fun, pass the time and be present. When I’m waiting somewhere with the kids we like to play games. No better way to spend your time!
So whether you are waiting for a bus, in line at the post office, or stuck in a traffic jam – here are 5 simple games to play whilst waiting somewhere…
I Spy
The classic waiting somewhere game! “I spy with my little eye something beginning with…”
For younger kids we do an easier colour version “I spy with my little eye something green…” etc.
Little M loves playing this when we are waiting for the bus!
How many cars?
Pick a colour, then see how many cars you can spot in that colour! Everyone can do the same colour, or you can all pick your own colours! This one can go on for as long as you are waiting!
20 Questions
Think of an animal, vegetable or a mineral. Everyone has a chance to ask up to 20 questions to find out what you are thinking of! You must be able to answer yes or no to each question. You can keep this one simple for little ones by just sticking to animals.
Sing the gap
One especially for in the car… Put on some music that you all know and love and can sing along to. Every now and again pause the music and see if everyone can keep singing! Bonus points if you are in the right place in the song when the music starts again!
Find something…
A good one when you waiting somewhere outside, or with a little bit of space. Take it in turns to be the leader who says “Everyone find something.. red!” First one to find or point to something in that colour wins a point! You can also use this one just to occupy toddlers – “What can you see that is blue?” I’ve use this in the post office many a time!
You can do a paper and pencil version of this game, where everyone has to write down as many things as they can see that are that colour – good for older kids and whilst waiting in the car. You can switch this around to letters too.
That’s my 5 simple games to play whilst waiting somewhere!
Little M likes to make up his own versions of these too – we have a slightly random one where you have to whisper an animal in someone’s ear and they have to say what it is! So funny! And funnily it’s these little moments of waiting somewhere, playing together and being silly, that I will treasure away in my heart and mind.
What games do you like to play whilst waiting somewhere?
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This is a lovely way to look at the annoyance of waiting somewhere. Then, as you say variations of them become your own little funny games which you remember for years to come. Great for car journeys too. Inserting random words into songs was always a favourite of ours!
Oh that’s a good one – ha ha! Exactly, it’s these little things that our children remember. I’ve been taking Little M to preschool on the bus for over a year now. To begin I thought it would be such an annoyance. But now, those little moments of playing, chatting and laughing together are often the highlights of my day 🙂
Sing the Gap! Brilliant idea! Haven’t played that one. Great post. You can NEVER have enough back up for car journeys or airport queues!
Exactly! Airport queues – oh yes! I might have to up my game for those!!! x
Sing the gap! I have never heard of that one. Some brilliant ideas and I will be employing these on Saturday when I will be waiting at the airport with my two children! x