Moments of Gratitude is where I reflect on all of the things that have made me happy, thankful or inspired that week. I hope that I will also inspire you to do the same…
Oh my goodness, where has this week gone? The time just seems to be flying at the moment. Do you find that time seems to drag when life feels tricky, but as soon as you are happy and having fun again it whizzes by? I do!
The time flying is definitely a sign that I’m enjoying the time with my two little ones and that it’s starting to feel easier looking after the two of them now. I’m also loving that Little M is at the age where he gets very excited about doing projects together. He’s very excited about Halloween, since we did some Halloween baking last week. He’s even been talking about Christmas and has started ‘sorting through’ the decorations! (Yes that is tinsel in the background of the photo!!!)
We’ve also had the dentists and flu shots to fit in with the usual playground, preschool and other activities this week. But we made it through and still managed to come out smiling by the weekend. (Or maybe I’m smiling because it’s the weekend… ha ha!)
Anyway, these are the things I’ve been grateful for this week…
• Little M was so brave at the dentist’s on Monday. He even sat in a room all by himself to have his x-rays done! For Little M this is amazing, as in the past he refused to even sit on the dental chair! The nurse told me afterwards that they didn’t actually manage to get any decent x-ray pictures because he kept chewing the plate in his mouth. But you know you’re a proud mummy when you are just so pleased he sat still and listened to instructions from other adults! We’ll try again for the x-ray next time…
• LP has been pulling up on everything this week (onto her knees, not her feet!) You can see the effort on her face though! At nearly 8 months she’s also mastered the ‘army crawl’ and is scuttling around on her tummy like no one’s business! Eek! It’s been time to check that baby proofing!
• I was very proud and pleased to have one of my photographs featured on What The Redhead Said as one of her Living Arrows picks of the week. It’s always nice to have your photographs recognised and encourages me to keep improving my photography.
• So… taking my two for their flu shots was not exactly a highlight of the week! BUT… I was very proud of myself for handling that tricky mummy moment well! Plus we all enjoyed a post doctors Starbucks treat – yum! (Well, me and Little M did. LP conked out in the baby carrier!)
• Little M and I made a chocolate Coca-Cola bottle this week. He had seen a video on how to make it and was so pleased with himself for telling me how to do it! The results were not exactly perfect! But I loved seeing his little face as we worked on it together and we had fun 🙂
• I reached my goal of 1000 followers on Twitter! I’m so pleased to be slowly, but surely, working through my blogging goals.
• I spoke to my parents on Skype this week – sans children. It’s been so long since I’ve seen them and I miss them incredibly. But with the kids and the time difference it’s so hard to even call without chaos going on in the background! However I had a moment when Little M was at pre-school and LP was asleep, so I seized the moment to give them a call and it was lovely to catch up.
• I had a lovely surprise on Friday when The Hubster arrived back from work early. I went for a lovely swim and sauna and came back feeling like a new woman. I hope this feeling will last over the weekend!
What moments have you been grateful for this week? What are you looking forward to this weekend?
I’m linking this post up with Katy and Sian and their #HappyDaysLinky.

Ooh how lovely to get time to yourself like that – sauna sounds fab!! She looks so much like you here – and 8 months!! Where is the time going?? Thank you for joining in #HappyDaysLinky xx
I know, it goes so quickly! Can’t believe your little one is a month already too! x