Is your child ready for potty training? Are you wondering how you can make potty training more relaxed and well, fun?!
Join me for a ‘Pimp my Potty’ tutorial! Make a super easy custom potty with your child and make potty training more fun! Plus, I’ve now included a FREE potty reward chart!
Every child is ready for potty training at different times and I am a firm believer in following your child’s lead. However there is lots you can do as a parent to make the idea of potty training fun and to make your child feel at ease. A fun and relaxed attitude goes a long way! Get started with this easy potty project – pimp my potty!
Why ‘pimp my potty’?
Before Little M was ready for potty training, we thought it would be a good idea to get him a potty – just to get familiar with.
The Hubster thought it would be a great idea to get a vehicle themed potty, since Little M loves his trucks. Fun idea to build enthusiasm for the potty, I thought! We searched high and low (well, a few clicks on the internet) and found a fire engine potty and a Thomas the Tank Engine potty – both of which looked great for a transport fanatic!
The pitch to Little M went like this…
Me: Little M, would you like a fire engine potty, or a Thomas potty?
Little M: (pause, then big grin) Excavator potty!!
Me: (looking slightly crestfallen…)
Never one to be beaten by a toddler’s high ideals, I had a think and then had a light bulb moment – a custom potty!
I came up with this construction themed potty for Little M, using a cheap (but very well reviewed) potty and some waterproof wall decals. The total cost was no more than if I’d bought one of the original potties that we had looked at – plus it was quick and easy to do. Little M helped make it!
How to make an easy custom potty
Why not customise your toddler’s potty? You can surprise them with it, or do it as a joint project!
All you need is:
- Basic, plain coloured potty
- Small sized wall decals/stickers – mine are around 4-8 inches long (10-20cm)
I chose to use the Summer Infant potty, since it was inexpensive and extremely well reviewed online – including several comments on being better than other potties for taller/bigger children.
The wall decals are the city construction set from CherryCreek Decals. They are waterproof, stick easily and effectively and can easily be unpeeled and repositioned. Take your pick of wall decals to suit your child. You could make this into a fun activity by involving your toddler in the decorating, or you could leave some space on the potty for rewards stickers.
Little M loved his ‘excavator potty’ and it was a fun place to store trucks for a good few months! Casually leaving the potty in the living room definitely helped it to become familiar. When he did potty train it was very easy and quick. You can read more about my thoughts on potty training. One day Little M just started using the potty by himself! We also used stickers, m and m’s and various other rewards to make it fun!
You can now download this FREE potty reward chart to help make potty training even more fun!
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Will you make a custom potty? Or do you have any other ideas on making the potty fun? I’d love to hear from you!
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. I only recommend products I truly love. Thank you for your support!
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What a great idea! We shall be starting potty training soon! Yikes! x
Thanks! Good luck with the potty training. We haven’t started yet – looking forward to seeing if you have any tips when the time comes!
This has to be one of the best posts I’ve read this year! I love it!
Thanks hun – that means so much! x
That is one pimping potty! What a brilliant idea 🙂 Love it.
Great idea. My eldest still isn’t too hot with the toilet, so perhaps I should come up with a similar thing for that. Maybe there’s a whole load of baby essentials I should get sorted ready for his little sister.